I'm such a hero.. ..and humble too!
Share written 2011-11-27 @ 15:00:45
Stopped a fight, saved a life, assisted in a police arrest, fought racism, returned lost properties to the rightful owner, helped a female officer.. ..and this while trying to get home from the office.. ..nothing out of the ordinary for a superhero like me, but you would've shat in your pants.. ..London's nightlife is throwing challenges at me, and I wasn't even part of it! No worries though, nothing I can't handle!
Got to start wearing my underwear over my pants so everyone sees who's the go-to guy when the shit goes down.
I by the way hope the officeress calls me for a statement.. ..mjau-mjau!
Shit, I love this city.. Action, suspense, love, hate and drama.. ..and all this condensed into a thick paste smeared all over London..
written by pimpXprincess
Haha ja snälla, börja klä dig som en hjälte! ;) (En liten fundering bara: Vill du ha kommentarer på svenska eller engelska nu när du skriver på engelska? Hehe!)
Svar: Jadå, jag känner mig väldigt hemma här. Jaså? Det låter väldigt roligt. Lite väl stressigt med jobbet dock, men trivs du med det så är det ju kanon!
written by jempa
That's London for ya!
Jag dog nästan där en gång. En helt annan historia.